Marina Parque das Nações is a dynamic and attractive nautical centre in Lisbon’s Oriental area, that seeks to maintain and promote responsible ecological behaviour and improve and re-qualify the surrounding areas while respecting the environment.
Responsible ecological behaviour is nowadays more than a duty; it is an obligation to keep our waters clean, save natural resources and respect the environment. This can be achieved by environmental education and information, responsible environmental management, and safety procedures. As such, please respect our Environmental Code of Practices.

Code of Practice
Marina Parque das Nações is focused on the well being of all national and international sailors who cross our waters and carries the responsibility of being an example of sound environmental practices. We rely on your participation to preserve the environment for future generations.

Be Blue
The small individual Blue Flag can be awarded to interested boat owners wanting to contribute to the Blue Flag Campaign. Sign up!

Natural Reserve
O estuário do Tejo inclui uma área protegida considerada ZPE (Zona de Protecção Especial para as Aves Selvagens), que por sua vez integra a RNET (Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo), incluída na Lista das Zonas Húmidas de Importância Internacional.

Pump Out Service
Marina Parque das Nações provides a FREE, pump-out service to collect black wastewaters stored in the retention tank as well as bilge waters that accumulate at the bottom of your boat.

Waste Management and Reception Plan 2024-2028
This plan focuses on all types of waste from boats that use Marina Parque das Nações, on the existing reception facilities and the necessary procedures for the correct environmental management of said waste.